articles Lucia Agnelli articles Lucia Agnelli

Finding Work Life Balance in Tech

Finding balance becomes a little easier when we know what holds us back from achieving it. We need to look a little deeper than simply downloading a meditation app - we must understand ourselves and why it's hard for us as individuals. That’s what we will explore in this article!

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articles Lucia Agnelli articles Lucia Agnelli

What causes burnout in tech?

Burnout in the tech industry is a growing concern. 42.1% of tech workers surveyed by Yerba have a high risk of burnout, and 62% feel emotionally and physically drained. So, what causes burnout in tech? How do we get better at spotting burnout symptoms? How do we fix burnout at work?

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articles Lucia Agnelli articles Lucia Agnelli

How do boundaries help employees with burnout?

When people are burnt out at work, there's often more to it than simply telling people to 'reduce stress and meditate'. We need to go deeper, and we need to ask WHY. Asking why and getting to its root is the difference between simply adding a band-aid to the problem and 'healing' it.

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articles Lucia Agnelli articles Lucia Agnelli

Why are routines important?

Routines are important because, as human beings, we are creatures of habit. Routines help to ease anxiety and reduce burnout. We thrive on structure and the sense of accomplishing daily tasks that we set out to do. A lack of structure can contribute to stress, anxiety, and depression, making the need to get back to a routine all that more important.

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articles Lucia Agnelli articles Lucia Agnelli

Deep Meditation Tips for the Beginner

I wrote this article to celebrate 500 days of meditation. Getting into a deep meditative state may be your ultimate goal for starting your meditation practice, but although it is possible to get into a deep meditative state its impossible to stay there for the entire meditation sit.

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blog Lucia Agnelli blog Lucia Agnelli

What is employee wellbeing?

Employee well-being relates to supporting people to thrive as they embrace their career passions while considering their self-care practices. Wellness at work is important because employees' well-being shapes how they work and function. We tend to expect employees to separate all parts of their lives the moment they log in to their workspaces, but that's impossible.

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articles Lucia Agnelli articles Lucia Agnelli

7 Tips for Meal Prep

I am a self-taught cook, and I never thought I would be able to cook so many meals from scratch let alone post recipes for others to make on a blog (what?!)! SO, if I can get to this point, so can you. These seven tips are here to get you started.

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