To the transitions we choose and to those we don’t 💫

Hey! I'm Lucia, a certified life coach and facilitator. I was raised in South Africa and I love to travel and explore new parts of the world 🗺, which is why I’ve lived in Sweden, Portugal and now Spain. I love taking long, mindful walks in nature, and I stay grounded through regular meditation and at-home yoga practices.

This is my story…

Small town girl, living all over the world


I had an interesting upbringing. I was raised by Portuguese immigrant parents in a small town outside of Johannesburg, which meant that I was fortunate enough to be influenced and exposed to so many cultures. There are 11 official languages in South Africa - I only speak 2 and have a very basic understanding of 1 - Zulu.

I've always been fascinated by people - our emotions, how we interact, our behaviours, the journeys we choose to embrace and those we don't.

Although my parents couldn't afford to travel and had busy lives, I always wanted to travel, yet I never imagined leaving South Africa. For the most part, it felt safe to be surrounded by the people I love and the familiarity of the community and places I called home for a very long time.

It all began with a change in perspective. 

It wasn't until I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease during emergency surgery in 2016 that things changed for me - not only physically but especially mentally.

Not only did I realise how much I was living by Society's terms, but I was also holding back from truly going all-in on adventure because of the fear of what I would leave behind.

Before my diagnosis, my husband and I had booked a month-long trip to Europe. 

Luckily, I recovered in time to enjoy the trip to the fullest, but we both returned home wanting more. 

Not only did I realise how much I was living by Society’s terms, but I was also holding back from truly going all-in on adventure because of the fear of what I would leave behind.
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What does more really mean?

At this point, my husband and I had invested in an apartment, and he had just started a job that he felt pretty comfortable in.

But both of us felt that there was something worth exploring in Europe.

There was something about putting ourselves out there, being brave and pushing past the fear that appealed to us. So, we said yes to the voice and decided that our fears wouldn't hold us back.

Make a choice, and ride the wave

We decided to move to Sweden - yes, we went way up North from sunny South Africa.

It's not like we had been to Sweden during our trip. Still, something about the place really appealed to us - we wanted more work/life balance, we wanted to feel physically safe enough to walk about and not have to own a car, and we wanted to find a country where we could find jobs in English.

So, we decided to sell our apartment, furniture, and cars. We cashed out all our savings, and off we went - jobless.

We were very fortunate and privileged to be able to do this. I am so grateful that we have access to many things that most people don't. 

Create the life that lights you up🔥!

How much of your 'string' do you have left to live? 

Each person lives an average of 75 years. Now, take a string and measure how much of that string you’ve already lived. Notice what’s left of that string to live. What you do next matters.
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I will never forget the 'point of no return' for us. 

It was this phrase that one of our family friends said to us when we told him we were considering a move: 

"Each person lives an average of 75 years. Now, take a string and measure how much of that string you've already lived. Notice what's left of that string to live. What you do next matters."

When we got into our car, we looked at each other and said, "LET'S DO IT". 

Our apartment was sold in 4 months, and we landed in Sweden 8 months after that conversation. 

Work work work

Every decision I have made since that first surgery and my diagnosis has been about living a life that makes me want to wake up in the morning. 

When I arrived in Sweden, things were far from easy. I had a chronic illness that was worsening, and even though I had a good background in Marketing, it wasn't easy to find a job. I took what I could find, and I started a retail job that didn't do much for my health. 

I persevered and eventually found myself back in the marketing world and started my digital career at a fast-paced tech company with the best culture.

Ready to make choices that align with the life you want to create?

Struggle into Meaning

A year into the new job, I needed another surgery for my Crohn's disease. It was one of the most challenging times in my life. 

But it got me here. 

It was a major turning point, not only in my health but in my LIFE - in the work I wanted to do for others. 

I made a bunch of nutrition and lifestyle changes that have turned my health into the best it has ever been.

Then, I decided it was time to follow my heart. 

The Grand Canyon, my first trip after my second surgery.

It was a major turning point, not only in my health but in my LIFE - in the work I wanted to do for others. 
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It took me years to find my passion and work that gives me true joy, but it was worth the wait. 

The term 'holistic' gets overused these days, yet, I really do see myself as a coach who looks at you as a client with a holistic view. 

Whether you're an individual client, a team or a company, we are all unique, and my approach is always personalised.

There is so much that makes me (and you) unique: trauma; how we deal with stress; the emotions that take over; our lifestyle; our upbringing; the access we have to things and the privileges we do not have; the boundaries we set; the things we cannot say.

Any change we want to make should be viewed from this holistic lens to sustain them.


The Transitions we Choose and those we Do Not

With any decision we make in our lives, we have to go through a transition phase. Where it all feels scary, a little sticky and where there is a whole lot of uncertainty of where they might take us. 

I like to think of myself as a 'master' of transitions. 

I've had so many - some I have chosen and some that I have not. 

Crohn's' is one I have not, my childhood traumas being another that I have not. 

Moving countries 3 times was a choice that I chose. 

Quitting my job to go all-in on a dream business is another choice that I chose. 

Feeling all the feels as we left Stockholm for Madrid (after living in Stockholm for over 4 years).

Emotions, Values and Fears - they are all connected

I realised that our Emotions, Values, and Fears are all so very connected. 

All the things that hold us back or keep us safe bring about so many emotions. 

All the Emotions we feel when things get scary are almost always connected to our values. 

We want to belong, yet we want to live a life on our own terms. 

We want to connect, yet we can't seem to say no to things we really don't want to do. 

This knowledge and passion for a more profound meaning of wellness is the cornerstone of all the work I do and the sessions I host and share.

The journey continues 

I left my successful career in marketing on a high note, with connections and experiences that were incredibly rewarding and meaningful. 

My experience working through my own traumas, my saboteurs, my emotions and boundaries, and my own journey to thriving with an incurable disease informs all the work I do with my private and business clients. 

The various transitions I have had in the past 5 years gives me insight into what makes things most difficult for my clients, and it informs how I guide them to make changes - no matter how small. 

My experience working in a fast-paced tech company for almost 4 years gave me a lot of insight on what employees struggle most with, and it informs all the work I do with businesses / HR / People and Culture teams. 


My concept of what feels like home has changed as I type this, and it's become a feeling I get when I land in Stockholm or in Johannesburg. Yet, one I can also access as I live in Madrid or Lisbon. 

I now live in Lisbon, and the journey of where we settle next depends on so much that it is still unknown, but I get to choose to ride this wave with curiosity and flow. 

Today, I live with intention. 

Today, I make choices that get me closer to my envisioned life when I quit my job to go all-in on a coaching business.

Today, I choose to be courageous despite the fear that makes me human. 

Today, I am so grateful for my health and all it has given me. 

Today, I am grateful for Lucia 5 years ago, who decided to live a life she loved. 

Today, I am grateful for Lucia 3 years ago. She decided to explore alternatives that could complement conventional medicine (like food, managing stress, working with trauma, learning to communicate) to help heal her body. 

Today, I am grateful for you, whoever you are, for making your way to this corner of the internet and are still reading my story till the end. 

Exploring the streets of Madrid while we lived there for 3 months.

An invitation 

This is my story...

A lot comes from a place I had no control over, but the moment I took some of my power back and decided not to play the victim in my story but instead honour the pain and see what I could learn from it is the moment I started living for me. 

I invite you to look at your story, reflect on what's left in your own string, ask yourself, "what would you like to do with what's left of it" and if you want coaching support in MAKING that happen, get in touch.

To the transitions we choose and to the transitions we don't - may they teach us and empower us on our journeys to finding joy and living life on purpose.